Upcoming Auctions:
Winter Premium Auction: Feb. 21-27
Games & Memorabilia Auction - Apr/MAy TBD
Upcoming Card Shows:
March 1st & 2nd: Columbus Show - Hilliard, OH
March 7th-9th: The Philly Show - Oaks, PA
April 13th-15h: Strongsville, OH
NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED FOR ALL CONSIGNMENTS! Visit our Consigners Page, or view a printable PDF of the form.
Consigners can now donate some of their proceeds to their favorite charity. Choose a percentage or dollar amount... it's up to you. Visit our Consigners page to find out more.
NEW RULE TO PREVENT SNIPING: ALL BIDS (not by the high bidder) received in a lot's last ten minutes AUTOMATICALLY RESETS THAT LOT'S END TIME TO 10 MINUTES. Increasing your own max bid does NOT reset the end time.
Other than that, bidding works just like on EBAY auctions, in that your bid is recorded at the amount you selected, then lowered to the MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED TO ACHIEVE HI BIDDER STATUS.
The one exception to this is when your bid equals a previous bidders' hi bid amount. In these cases, the FIRST BID IN is awarded the bid at the current hi bid amount (the incrementor is not added).